
This is the Real Need for Carbohydrates for Pregnant Women

The general public is of the opinion that an ideally pregnant woman is overweight. In line with this assumption, pregnant women feel they must consume excess carbohydrate foods. Actually what is the ideal dose of carbohydrates for pregnant women? Nutritionists have agreed to suggest that one third of the basic food of pregnant women is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be found in bread, pasta, rice, and cereals. Eat most of your daily carbohydrate needs at lunch. Sources of healthy carbohydrates recommended by doctors are boiled pasta, baked potatoes, cereals, and toast. As much as possible, choose carbohydrate foods from whole grains or whole grains. For mothers who are pregnant, it is not recommended to undergo a low-carb diet or follow a strict diet aimed at losing weight. This is because we can not be sure that the diet will be safe for Mother or baby. Going on a low-carbohydrate diet while pregnant can have an impact on the baby's weight and its future development. Mothers...

Preventing Sore Throat with Povidone Iodine Mouthwash

Gargling and gargling using a special mouthwash for 30 seconds can kill most germs, including bacteria and viruses that cause sore throats. Gargling regularly using Povidone iodine mouthwash can also reduce the movement of bacteria, viruses, and fungi from the mouth into the respiratory tract to the lungs. Salt water can indeed be used as a treatment at home, but on the other hand, research on this method is still very limited. Likewise, throat lozenges contain antibiotics. Consumer perceptions that consider the object to be "just candy" tend to cause excessive consumption and result in overdosing. Sore throat is an irritation, inflammation, or pain that occurs in the throat. Bacteria and viruses can be the mastermind behind this condition. When you start to experience itching in the throat, a mouthwash containing povidone iodine (PVP-I) can be used as an initial therapeutic step. Research shows that gargling using the substance PVP-I four times a day can reduce the inci...

How much breastmilk is ideal for babies

A new mother may expect her baby to suckle for a long time and suck large amounts of breast milk to make her full. But in fact, a newborn baby usually only suckle about 20 minutes on each breast. If your newborn baby is losing weight, don't worry because it's normal, so it's not because the baby is lacking in milk. Your baby's weight will most likely start to increase again after 5-7 days or a little longer. After two weeks, usually the baby will return to his weight as at birth or exceed him. Baby's need for breast milk can vary. In general, Mother will see that your little one starts to suckle in small amounts and continues to increase within a few days. Do not be forced because basically, breastfeeding babies do not need in large numbers every time. Babies who are usually given formula milk can breastfeed far more than babies who are breastfed. This is because babies who are fed formula milk cannot control milk intake so it is normal if they vomit several tim...

Is it true that Pregnant Women are prohibited from Bathing in Warm Water

Hot water and pregnancy are a combination that absolutely must be avoided because the risk it causes will harm the fetus. But make no mistake, a warm bath is still considered safe for Mother and baby. Mother can get a variety of benefits thanks to a warm bath, including helping to relieve aches or pain in the legs and arms due to swelling. Warm baths can provide a soothing sensation, suitable for mothers who want to relax. What should be considered for pregnant women to release fatigue in a tub of warm water safely? Warm lukewarm temperatures are ideal water conditions for bathing. Although it still requires further research, be aware that soaking in hot water for 10 minutes can increase body temperature to 38.9 ° C (trigger hyperthermia) which can increase the risk of babies with birth defects or miscarriages. In addition, there are still several other dangers as a result of soaking in hot water for more than 10 minutes including: Increased risk of neural tube defects in babies,...

There are 5 benefits of swimming that are beneficial for pregnant women

Basically, all types of aerobic exercise can provide health benefits for pregnant women and fetuses in the womb. This is because light aerobic exercise from walking, jogging, aerobic exercise, to swimming, has the potential to strengthen the heart and make the heart work more efficiently in pumping blood. In the end, it is beneficial both in improving blood circulation throughout the body and increasing oxygen levels in the blood. Then, what is the best aerobic exercise for pregnant women? The answer is swimming! Swimming is an ideal exercise during pregnancy, because in addition to the small risk of injury, there is no risk of a mother being able to fall on the stomach and injure the fetus. In addition, exercising in water allows you to move freely without pressing joints. In general, swimming is safe at any time during pregnancy, even in the ninth month. As one of the best and safest exercises for pregnant women, here are some of the health benefits of swimming. 1. Relieve back ...