How much breastmilk is ideal for babies

A new mother may expect her baby to suckle for a long time and suck large amounts of breast milk to make her full. But in fact, a newborn baby usually only suckle about 20 minutes on each breast. If your newborn baby is losing weight, don't worry because it's normal, so it's not because the baby is lacking in milk. Your baby's weight will most likely start to increase again after 5-7 days or a little longer. After two weeks, usually the baby will return to his weight as at birth or exceed him. Baby's need for breast milk can vary. In general, Mother will see that your little one starts to suckle in small amounts and continues to increase within a few days. Do not be forced because basically, breastfeeding babies do not need in large numbers every time. Babies who are usually given formula milk can breastfeed far more than babies who are breastfed. This is because babies who are fed formula milk cannot control milk intake so it is normal if they vomit several times because most are suckling. Here is a rough idea of ​​how much the average amount of milk a baby needs per breastfeeding once.
  • The first day, as much as 7 ml or one teaspoon more.
  • The second day, as much as 14 ml or almost three teaspoons.
  • The third day, as much as 38 ml.
  • The fourth day, as much as 58 ml.
  • The seventh day, as much as 65 ml.
As for the frequency of breastfeeding breast milk in the first month, babies must suckle 8-12 times per day. After 1-2 months of age, the frequency of breastfeeding may tend to decrease to 7-9 times a day. This frequency is somewhat higher than babies who consume formula milk. This is because breast milk can be digested more quickly and exit the digestive system more quickly. Therefore, the result is Little is more often feel hungry. Do not be afraid of your supply of breast milk is inadequate because with increasing frequency of breastfeeding, your body will stimulate increased natural milk production, especially in the first few weeks. If you give your baby milk using a bottle, the dosage requirements may be more or less the same as that of direct breasts, although there is no standard amount. The important thing is to remain flexible and let the baby set the amount of intake. You do not need to force him to finish the contents of the bottle or stop breastfeeding when he was actually still hungry. Before Mother's milk supply is stable, Mother must breastfeed according to the needs of the baby, which is every time he is hungry. Generally, babies need to be breastfed every 1.5-3 hours. As the baby gets older, breastfeeding can become less frequent, but still not until the baby is not breastfed for up to four hours, even at night when we assume the baby will sleep through the night. To ensure that your baby is getting enough milk, try to recognize the following signs.
  • The baby releases your breasts by itself.
  • The baby makes a soft swallowing sound.
  • After breastfeeding, the baby looks calm and not fussy.
  • Mother's breast feels soft because milk has been drained.
  • Babies urinate every few hours.
  • The stools change color from dark to yellow and soft in texture.
If the baby is consistently constantly breastfeeding more or less than the expected amount, do not hesitate to consult with a pediatrician to ascertain whether it is healthy for him.


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