Is it true that Pregnant Women are prohibited from Bathing in Warm Water

Hot water and pregnancy are a combination that absolutely must be avoided because the risk it causes will harm the fetus. But make no mistake, a warm bath is still considered safe for Mother and baby. Mother can get a variety of benefits thanks to a warm bath, including helping to relieve aches or pain in the legs and arms due to swelling. Warm baths can provide a soothing sensation, suitable for mothers who want to relax. What should be considered for pregnant women to release fatigue in a tub of warm water safely? Warm lukewarm temperatures are ideal water conditions for bathing. Although it still requires further research, be aware that soaking in hot water for 10 minutes can increase body temperature to 38.9 ° C (trigger hyperthermia) which can increase the risk of babies with birth defects or miscarriages. In addition, there are still several other dangers as a result of soaking in hot water for more than 10 minutes including:
  • Increased risk of neural tube defects in babies, namely serious abnormalities in the brain or spinal cord. This can occur in pregnant women who are exposed to high temperatures in the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant women experience dizziness and weakness.
  • Pregnant women experience a decrease in blood pressure that results in oxygen and nutritional deficiencies for the fetus. These things ultimately risk increasing the risk of miscarriage.
That's why saunas, hot tubs, steam baths, and soaking in hot water should be avoided during pregnancy. Meanwhile, a warm bath is still allowed as long as it's not too long.

Keep Attention to Personal Safety when Bathing in Warm Water

Bathing is a fun way to reduce muscle pain, as well as relaxation during pregnancy. To be safe, follow these guidelines.
  • Make sure the water temperature is no more than 36.6 ° C. Check the temperature of the water with a thermometer. If it is too hot, let it sit for a few minutes or add cold water directly to taste.
  • Be careful when stepping in and out of the tub, do not slip. If you can, ask for help from your spouse, mother, or sibling to help Mother in and out of the tub.
  • Make sure the bathroom floor is not slippery, use a special rubber or plastic carpet with a gripping texture that does not extend from the floor.
  • You can add a few spoonfuls of epsom salt and a quarter cup of apple vinegar to the tub.
  • If you like to soak in foamy water, limit it to a maximum of twice a month because it can trigger vaginal irritation.
  • Do not linger in the tub, make sure to soak no more than one hour.
Some expectant mothers feel worried that water during bathing can enter the uterus and endanger the fetus. Mother just calm down because that sort of thing won't happen because the baby has been protected in the amniotic sac. So, please enjoy a moment of relaxing by soaking in warm water!


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